Anthony Sluzas on 06/28/2024


There is a God. His Name is Jesus Christ. He is not a candidate. He is King of kings and Lord of lords. He has walked on this earth, lived a sinless life, and died for our sins. He Is Risen from the dead, and seated at the right hand of the Father and He is right now, ruling and reigning. Our God do

A Anthony Sluzas
Anthony Sluzas on 05/28/2024

A Word of Wisdom from John MacArthur

While I, a Pentecostal minister, have significant doctrinal disagreements with John MacArthur, I still respect him greatly as a man of God and have gleaned a lot from him. Here is an excerpt (below) of something he wrote almost a quarter century ago and his words ring especially true right now in 20

A Anthony Sluzas
Anthony Sluzas on 04/27/2024


If you’ve ever been so down, ready to give up and bombarded with thoughts that your life has made no difference to anyone. If you’re tempted to think the dream you have been chasing for so long will never come to fruition—stop. Stop and lift up praises to God and thank Him for all He’s done. Pray in

A Anthony Sluzas
Anthony Sluzas on 04/09/2024

Some Lessons Learned In Ministry

Here are some lessons that I have learned over the years from seasoned and Godly mentors (& the hard way).Stop expecting everyone to understand your heart and style of ministry. Your friends are blessed by your difference. Your enemies despise it. The people to whom you minister have responded to Go

A Anthony Sluzas
Anthony Sluzas on 03/23/2024


Another question often asked when it comes to eternity is this: “How can we be joyous and happy in Heaven knowing that there are people suffering in Hell?” This one in particular is a hard question to answer because on this side of eternity, we don’t have all of the insight and wisdom needed to full

A Anthony Sluzas
Anthony Sluzas on 03/23/2024


Multitudes of people over the years have asked and still do, “How could a God of love send people to Hell?” God doesn’t want to send people to Hell. The Bible says, “It is not God’s will that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). Almighty God sent Jesus into this

A Anthony Sluzas
Anthony Sluzas on 03/15/2024

Your Place of Grace Podcast with Anthony Sluzas

Here’s a small excerpt from our current series concerning Bible Prophecy on the Your Place of Grace Podcast with Anthony Sluzas… “In our Lord’s discourse on the rich man and Lazarus, we see several disturbing facts about unbelievers beyond the grave: *Christ rejecters suffer in agony. *The unsaved c

A Anthony Sluzas
Anthony Sluzas on 03/10/2024


What can one say about a man who has impacted thousands of lives not only locally but around the world and with forty years of ministry leading the same church? Pastor Stan J. Tharp stepped down today at Christian Life Center in Dayton, Ohio. Although we are to exalt no man except for our Lord, the

A Anthony Sluzas
Anthony Sluzas on 03/01/2024


A vital key in standing firm in the face of increasing levels of persecution is to remember that we belong to Jesus and He lovingly secures us in His hand. So, we need never fear danger for our jobs, reputations, finances, or even our physical lives. Our Savior said, “Whoever desires to save his lif

A Anthony Sluzas
Anthony Sluzas on 02/28/2024


We talk about spring cleaning every year, but might it be time for a spiritual house cleaning? Sometimes in life we will need to remove and dispose of spiritually harmful things/items from our homes and lives. And in so doing, we will slam shut a previously open door on the adversary. Let’s get busy

A Anthony Sluzas