Some Lessons Learned In Ministry

Written on 04/09/2024
Anthony Sluzas

Here are some lessons that I have learned over the years from seasoned and Godly mentors (& the hard way).
Stop expecting everyone to understand your heart and style of ministry. Your friends are blessed by your difference. Your enemies despise it. The people to whom you minister have responded to God’s Word that you proclaim and your love for them. The Lord has purposely made you unlike any other minister. You have a specific calling and purpose to specific people. However, there are many who will not respond favorably to you or accept your ministry.
A wonderful man of God whom I’ve looked up to and is now in heaven once made the following statement, “Only certain people listen to me. There are lots of folks who would not cross the street to hear me speak. I’m not under any illusions. Everyone does not like my method of preaching and teaching. Everyone is not ready for me, and I’m not ready for everybody. I know it but I don’t sweat it. I am believing God is going to send the people to me who are supposed to be here…”
But always remember fellow laborer; you are not assigned to everybody. But you keep on fishing!”