When you are going through difficulties, pain, or disappointment, do these experiences change your conduct or disposition? Are you one person when life is running smoothly, but a different one when you are visited by hardship and suffering? Although trouble has the power to take away our happiness, we don’t have to let it rob us of our joy in Christ.
Circumstances may change, and trouble will come, but for those who have opened their hearts and trusted Jesus as their Savior, their relationship with Him will never be altered. And that fact is the foundation for joy in every situation.
When the Apostle Paul wrote the book of Philippians, he was in prison, chained to a Roman guard. Even though he wasn’t sure what awaited him and was suffering the hardships of prison life, his letter was filled with joy. Toward the end of the letter, he said, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I will say, rejoice!” (Phil. 4:4).
Paul had every reason in the world to feel miserable and hopeless, but his focus was not on his external conditions but on his relationship with the Lord. His joy-filled experience didn’t match his environment. In the midst of all the difficulties, Paul had triumphant joy deep down that overcame his circumstances.
There is a world of difference between happiness and joy.
Happiness is fickle and ever changing. Happiness depends upon good circumstances, but joy depends on a relationship. Although most people desire and pursue a happy life, Christians have the privilege of remaining joyful in every situation because of their relationship with Jesus Christ, who sustains them. Happiness could be thought of as a light-hearted, fleeting, worldly feeling, but joy is found deep within, a God-feeling, and that’s what the Apostle Paul had.
At salvation, the Holy Spirit seals us as children of God. Knowing that this relationship can never change enables us to face difficulties and walk through dark valleys with an inner confidence and overwhelming joy and contentment.
Joy isn’t just a feeling; it’s an awesome assurance and confidence overflowing within us because of who we are and what we have in Christ!
Written on 12/10/2024
Anthony Sluzas