I feel led to share a dream that I truly believed came from the Lord last night/early this morning (December 27th). I’m not one who normally does this nor am I another in a long conga line of self-professed “internet prophets.” These types of dreams from the Holy Spirit come my way maybe once a year, but when they do, I will share them if the Lord permits. The Bible is clear about dreams and visions, and this is just one example; “And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams” (Acts 2:17). With that being said, this dream was in full color and so vivid. It seemed I was physically there. Take it for what it’s worth or leave it. Here it is…
As I remember, the dream was so vivid and in full color. I was preaching in a medium-sized church sanctuary that was oddly wider from side to side than it was from the front door to the platform. It was oddly configured more like if you were standing at center court and looking from side to side in a basketball arena. I personally know a few of the people in that congregation but the majority of them I did not recognize. I was in the middle of preaching on Heaven-sent Revival and teaching on the vital importance of receiving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. The presence of the Lord was so strong in the service, that as I gave the altar call, people began to literally stream to the altars. As they came forward, the numbers of people seemed to keep multiplying as they came down the multiple aisles. Not only that, but the sanctuary/building itself was expanding…growing wider and wider as the Holy Spirit moved powerfully among everyone. As the altars filled beyond what I could comprehend, people were hungry for Jesus and crying out for the outpouring and fullness of the Holy Spirit. That is where the dream suddenly ended, but I awoke from it overjoyed, praising and thanking God. When I looked at my phone it was 6:13am.