There is a God. His Name is Jesus Christ. He is not a candidate. He is King of kings and Lord of lords. He has walked on this earth, lived a sinless life, and died for our sins. He Is Risen from the dead, and seated at the right hand of the Father and He is right now, ruling and reigning. Our God does not get old. He does not sin or fail. He does not make mistakes. God does not err or decline. Our God was and is and will always be—perfect. If you are believing that there is any other “savior” than Jesus Christ, I think you got a wake up call last night. Over our government is the One True God. May we pray for our government, but pray TO our GOD…because our Lord Jesus Christ rules and reigns above human history, governments, and all people. He will ultimately judge the living and the dead. He will bring all elections to an end. Jesus Christ is going to heal all who were sick and ultimately comfort the brokenhearted, IF they believe in Him and belong to Him. Infinitely more important than your candidate…is your Savior. “Maranatha!”