While I, a Pentecostal minister, have significant doctrinal disagreements with John MacArthur, I still respect him greatly as a man of God and have gleaned a lot from him. Here is an excerpt (below) of something he wrote almost a quarter century ago and his words ring especially true right now in 2024. I must admit that I have been guilty of the very sin that Dr. MacArthur writes about here for which I repent and with God’s help, will correct.
“During the past several decades, well-meaning Christians have founded a number of evangelical activist organizations and put millions of dollars into them in an ill-conceived effort to counteract the secular undermining of American culture. They have used these groups, along with existing Christian publishing houses and broadcast networks, to lobby hard for a “Christian” political viewpoint and fight back against the prevailing anti-Christian culture. Sadly, those believers have often displayed mean-spirited attitudes and utilized the same kinds of worldly tactics as their unbelieving opponents. The problem with this overall approach should be obvious–believers become antagonistic toward the very lost people God has called them to love and reach with the gospel.” (JM)